Notification FAQs

Q: What is ECC Alert?  The East Central College emergency notification system is ECC Alert, and is capable of sending text messages instantly and simultaneously to students and employees who register their mobile devices, landlines, and/or preferred email addresses.

Q: When will ECC Alert be used?

  • A closing or late start due to snow/ice, flooding, or a threat from a tornado requiring those to take shelter.
  • Safety threats in which an armed or dangerous person is at large on or near campus.
  • Major facility emergencies or evacuations, such as fire.

Q: How do I sign up for ECC Alert? Visit ECC Alert to sign up. Your registration in ECC Alert is active for two years and you may opt-out at any time. After two years you’ll receive a reminder to resubscribe.

Q: Do I need to install software and/or hardware in order to utilize ECC Alert? NO. ECC Alert is a 100% web-based software system, so you do not need any additional software or hardware.

Q: How do I opt out of ECC Alert once I’m a subscriber? Log into the ECC Alert system. After logging in click on “Services” and you can opt-out of one particular group or the entire service.

Q: Will this cost me anything? The college doesn’t charge a subscriber fee. However, your wireless carrier provider may charge you for SMS/text messages.

Q: Will my contact information be shared with anyone? No, the contact information you provide is for emergency purposes only. This system enforces a ZERO SPAM policy which clearly prohibits unsolicited messages. ECC WILL NOT release the contact information of our subscribers to third-party marketers.

Q: Can family members subscribe to ECC Alert? Yes. Family members are eligible to sign up.