Technology 101
Welcome to East Central College! While at East Central you will use a variety of technologies. Whether you need to log into a computer in a computer lab, log into Falcon email, MyECC to register for classes or connect your computer to the network. The information in this section is designed to help you.
As a new East Central student, you now have access to many different online tools and services. We encourage you to explore them all; however, the following are the essential, first steps to start the process of becoming integrated with the technology on campus. These are the basics you will want to set up and/or make sure are working as soon as possible.
MyECC acts as a secure online destination for all of your East Central College information. It’s where you handle the “business” of attending East Central, such as reviewing records, registering for classes, updating personal info, creating your plan of study, reviewing financial aid, and lots more. Start exploring MyECC now by logging in with your User ID and password.
Your User ID and password are both extremely important parts of your identity at East Central. With them comes access to personal records and information such as your grades, course login, email, finances – pretty much everything. This is your identity and no one else’s. So, don’t share your password with ANYONE; not your roommate, not your BFF, not even your parents!
ECC Email
ECC Email is the official East Central College email account for students. All official East Central communications are sent through your ECC Email account ( Information sent to this account includes: updates on financial aid and billing, academic progress, registration and other items of concern to students at East Central College. Additionally, instructors may use FalconMail to send class information. Be sure to check your email regularly!
East Central’s online learning management system, Canvas, is used to facilitate distance learning at the College. Online coursework is delivered via this system, allowing students and instructors to move beyond the physical limitations of the traditional classroom setting. Additionally, many classroom-based East Central courses are supplemented with online course components provided through Moodle. The system utilizes a wide range of online communication, assessment, and multimedia tools to stimulate and enhance the traditional classroom environment.
Watermark (Aviso)
Watermark (Aviso) is an online service and an app for mobile devices designed to help you stay on track to complete your college goals. At ECC, you have a team here to support you on your journey and Watermark (Aviso) links you with your team and is a tool for communication between you and your supports.
Personal Devices
Adding Email to phone:
iOS FalconMail Setup
Android FalconMail Setup
WiFi Setup:
iOS WiFi Setup
Android WiFi Setup
ECC Alert
(Inclement Weather, Emergencies)
Sign Up For ECC Alert
- Canvas Helpdesk:
Support Hours: Monday – Sunday 8:00 am – 9:00 pm
(636) 584-6609 - IT Helpdesk:
Support Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am 4:30 pm
(636) 584-6738 - The Learning Center
(636) 584-6688 - Class Instructor – See Syllabus
- Student Service Center – 636-584-6588
- Student Services (Rolla) – 573-466-4100