Emergency Plan

Bomb Threat

If any kind of threatening telephone call is received by faculty or staff personnel (bomb threat, etc.) the procedure below should be followed:

  1. Do not take the message yourself unless absolutely necessary. Transfer the call to any of the following College personnel during normal daytime hours: President, Vice President, Curriculum & Instruction, Vice President, Student Services, Vice President, Finance & Administration, Facilities & Grounds Director, Human Resources Director. During evening hours when classes are in session, contact: Evening Supervisor
  2. If you must take a threatening message attempt to get specific information. If you receive a bomb threat by phone, try to ascertain the following information and write it down:
    1. The time the call was received.
    2. The time the caller hung up.
    3. Did the call initiate within or outside the college.
    4. Description of the caller such as sex, accent, age, name.
    5. Background noises.
    6. Exact words used by the caller.
     Ask the caller:
    1. Where is the bomb right now?
    2. What kind of explosive was used: TNT, black powder?
    3. How will the device go off: clock, heat?
    4. What time will the threat be carried out?
    5. What does the bomb look like?
    6. Why did they place the bomb?

Relay all of this information to the administrator you reach.

Building Evacutions

Diagrams showing the route for evacuating campus buildings for any reason are framed and posted in every room on campus.

Evacuating students with disabilities:

Generally, faculty will be informed in advance when students with special needs are enrolled in a class, but there is no guarantee that all of a student’s needs have been identified.

The instructor should discuss disabilities with the student in relation to the specific course and make plans accordingly.

Visually impaired persons will usually be familiar with the immediate classroom area. In the event of an emergency, the visually impaired person may need assistance. The instructor may wish to serve as a sighted guide or assign another student to assist while the instructor oversees orderly evacuation. The preferred method of assistance is offering the elbow and escorting the visually impaired individual. As the guide is walking, inform the person with disabilities where you are and advise them of obstacles.

When you reach the destination, tell the person where you are and ask if further assistance is needed. Do not forget that at the end of the emergency, this person will again need assistance to return to the classroom or newly designated area. Instructors assigning this service to another student should be sure to instruct the guide in these precautions.

Hearing impaired persons – Visual alarms (flashing lights) have been installed throughout the campus to notify persons with hearing disabilities.

Non-ambulatory persons are usually able to exit safely, without assistance, from the ground floor. Some have minimal ability to move and lifting them may actually be dangerous to their well-being. Because non-ambulatory persons’ needs and preferences will vary, always consult the person regarding:

  • Ways of being removed from the wheelchair
  • Number of people necessary for assistance
  • Whether to bend or extend the extremities when lifting because of pain, catheter, spasticity, etc.
  • Being carried backward or forward down stairs
  • After-care if removed from a wheelchair

The instructor may choose to determine answers at the beginning of a term so that the information is readily available in the event of an emergency.

Things to remember about wheelchairs:

  • They may have movable or weak parts which are not built to withstand the stress of lifting.
  • Remove batteries from an electric wheelchair before attempting to transport it.
  • If a seat belt is available and evacuation is by chair, secure the person to the chair.
  • If the chair must be left behind, be sure it does not block or obstruct doorways, stairs or passageways.

Computer Center Disaster Plan

  1. Before a disaster (preparation):
    1. DEC Computer System
      1. Full backups are made Monday-Friday.
      2. Monday’s backups are kept off-site. The other sets are kept in a cabinet in the computer center.
      3. Battery backed power supply to allow safe shutdown of the computer.
    2. Phone System
      1. Battery backed phone system will continue to operate on any undamaged phone lines for at least 2 hours.
      2. Battery backed power supply for voice mail and call logging will allow for safe shutdown of these systems.
      3. Printouts of on-going phone log can be generated.
    3. Automatic self-contained fire control system in computer room.
    4. Battery Powered Emergency Light.
  2. During a disaster:
    1. Shut down all power to equipment in the computer center suite (Rooms: 4109 and 4125 through 4134) using cutoff switch on Power Pac or in rooms 4134 or 4127 to avoid electrical fires.
      1. Phone system will continue to operate for at least 2 hours on auxiliary power on all undamaged phone lines.
  3. After a disaster:
    1. Shut down DEC computer from auxiliary power to conserve battery life.
    2. Shut down voice mail and call logging from auxiliary power to conserve battery life.
    3. Connect auxiliary power from DEC computer to phone system to conserve phone system battery life.
    4. A phone system console located in the computer center may be used as an alternate switchboard should the main switchboard fail to operate or be inaccessible.

Crisis Communications

A crisis communications plan is intended to ensure that, in the event of a crisis, disaster, or emergency related to the college, information about the crisis and the action being taken is disseminated appropriately, accurately, and clearly.

Generally, an issue requiring the use of this plan will fall into one of two categories:

Emergency: Any situation that may involve or threaten to cause loss of life or injury to employees or students. Examples: fires, explosions, accidents, tornado.

Non-Emergency: Any situation that threatens the reputation or stature of the college, poses legal ramifications, but does not pose a direct physical threat to employees, students, or property.

Both types of crises will make news. Whether a crisis is deemed an emergency or non-emergency does not necessarily reflect on the gravity of the situation, particularly in terms of long-term consequences. Two examples may illustrate this point. A brush fire quickly brought under control would be deemed an emergency, but probably not escalate to a crisis. However, a pending legal action or damaging news article/report would not be an emergency in terms of threatening life or limb, but may present a situation that the college needs to address as a crisis nonetheless.

In all cases, the college needs to provide full disclosure of factual information as quickly as possible, communicate instructions if necessary, and make decisions with full regard to individual privacy and legal responsibility.

This document deals specifically with crisis communication. It is intended to coincide with the Contingency Operations Plan outlined elsewhere in this manual.

This portion of the plan does not address operational issues such as providing first aid or sustained mass care. Those procedures and areas of responsibility are outlined in the Contingency Operations Plan.

Communications Procedures

In case of an emergency, first priority should be given to notifying appropriate emergency response agencies, specifically police, fire, or ambulance departments. Procedures can be found under sections II and III of this manual, and contact information on page ii.

To the extent possible, the following information should be gathered:

  1. Nature and location of emergency/disaster
  2. Whether persons have been injured
  3. Extent of property damage
  4. Disaster potential

In the case of a non-emergency, where emergency response agencies are not involved, the president’s office should be notified.

Communications Team

In the event of a disaster or natural emergency, the operations team outlined in section II of this manual also will have responsibility for communication. In the event of a situation that does not require the implementation of the contingency operations plan, the following individuals comprise the Crisis Communications Team:

  • College President
  • Vice President, Instruction
  • Vice President, Student Development
  • Vice President, Finance & Administration
  • Public Relations Director
  • Facilities & Grounds Director*
  • Information Technology Director*
  • Imaging Services Coordinator*
  • Vice President, External Relations*
  • Evening Services Specialist*
  • Executive Assistant to the President*

*As deemed appropriate to the situation by the president or acting administrator in charge.

Role of Crisis Communications Team

The role of the team is to gather information, assess the situation, and decide on the appropriate communication strategy. A position paper describing the situation, action being taken, and other relevant information will be prepared and distributed to all members of the crisis communications team.

In the event of a crisis, it shall be the responsibility of the president or the administrator in charge to convene the crisis communications team. Notification of team members will be the responsibility of the executive assistant to the president, or another designee of the president.

When it is deemed necessary to convene the crisis communications team, the board of trustees also shall be notified and apprised of the situation at hand.

Policy decisions and administrative action are functions of the president and vice presidents. Other members of the crisis communications team serve primarily in operational roles to implement the decisions made, as well as to provide advice as appropriate.

Command/Communications Center

The board room on the second floor of Buescher Hall will serve as the meeting room/command center for the crisis communications team. An alternative meeting site may be designated if necessary.

The command center will include the following materials, which shall be maintained by public relations:

  • District map
  • Campus map
  • Aerial photograph of campus
  • Diagrams and schematics of college buildings (including locations of first aid
  • supplies)
  • College policy manual
  • Personnel directory
  • Organizational chart
  • Emergency agencies contact list
  • Media contact list

If necessary, a separate communications center will be established by the facilities and grounds director, information technology director, and imaging services coordinator. The center will be located in Imaging Services on the lower level of the Multipurpose Building, due to existing telephones (4), copiers (2), computers, and access to additional equipment and the television control room.


The college president will serve as the sole spokesperson for the college, unless and until this responsibility is otherwise assigned. Questions and inquiries from the media and others shall be referred to Public Relations, who will notify the president or designated spokesperson.

An updated list of media contacts is maintained by the Public Relations office. If appropriate, a news conference or teleconference may be called to disseminate information to the media or answer questions.

Position Paper

At the direction of the president or the administrator in charge, the public relations director will draft the position paper which will be distributed to other members of the crisis communications team. This paper, and any relevant collateral material, will serve as the primary reference document for the team. The position paper will include the date and time issued, so as to ensure proper use as updates occur.

News Releases/Notification of Media

The public relations director shall draft and distribute news releases and, if appropriate, photographs, to the media. Notification of the media shall also be the responsibility of the public relations director.

College policy (3.12), in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1973 (FERPA), provides for the following directory information to be released about students: student name, parent’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, most recent previous school attended. The college may disclose any of these items without prior written consent, unless notified in writing to the contrary.

College policy (1.8) and Missouri state law (RSMo. 610.021) states that employment personnel and performance records or rating which pertain to identifiable individuals are closed records, except for the following information which may be released: name, position, salary, and length of service of officers and employees of the college.

In a crisis, particularly an emergency involving injury or death, there will be inquiries regarding injured or deceased persons. Names of injured or deceased persons will not be released until after next of kin are notified.

Cable Television

The college’s cable access television channel may prove useful in the disseminating to the public information regarding the crisis. The media services coordinator and public relations director will be responsible for using the system, if necessary.

Web Page

If necessary to utilize the college web page for dissemination of information, the information technology director will be responsible.

Personnel Notification

As it becomes necessary to notify other college personnel, each vice president shall be responsible for notification procedures for his or her division.

Student Notification

Notification to students shall be primarily carried out through public channels such as local media, cable television, and the college web page. Individual notification shall be carried out as necessary, as determined by the crisis communications team.


Minutes of the crisis communications team meetings shall be kept by the executive assistant to the president, unless otherwise directed by the president.

Canceling Classes/Closing the College

If the nature of the crisis is such that it becomes necessary to cancel classes or close the college, procedures used will be the same as those for inclement weather (Section XI).


Following a situation in which the crisis communications team has been convened, the president shall reconvene the team within two weeks of the close of the crisis, in order to evaluate the situation, actions taken, and effectiveness of the Crisis Communications Plan. The following will be considered:

  • How and if the crisis could have been prevented.
  • What, if anything, should be done differently under similar circumstances.
  • Strengths and weaknesses of the Crisis Communication Plan in this situation.
  • Recommended changes, if any, to the Crisis Communications Plan.

A summary report shall be drafted, addressing the above, and presented to the college president.


Earthquakes do not have warning signs so all activity is in response to occurrence. The following procedures are meant to minimize the chance of bodily injury if an earthquake does occur.

When the earthquake begins:

  • Stay where you are. Assess the situation. Most injuries occur when people are leaving or entering buildings.
  • Keep calm.
  • Do not evacuate the building as long as tremors are occurring constantly. When the tremors cease, or several minutes elapse between the shocks, evacuate using the fire plan.

Indoor protection:

  • Take cover under desks, tables or other heavy furniture.
  • Stand in interior doorway frames or narrow halls.
  • Stay away from windows and exterior walls.
  • Beware of falling objects like pictures and bookshelves and their contents.
  • Do not stand under light fixtures or other suspended objects.

Protection outdoors:

  • Move away from buildings.
  • Avoid utility poles, overhead wires, and tall trees.
  • Do not go to the parking lots where there are numerous heavy light poles.
  • Do not forget the danger from brick, masonry chips, and building facades as their movement will seem erratic as they fall because the earth is moving. As soon as conditions permit, assemble in the large athletic field areas which are open and provide the safest retreat for possible aftershocks.

After the earthquake:

  • Do not light fires or smoke in the event of leaking gas.
  • Do not touch fallen electrical wires. Move away from all electrical wires; if they are energized or re-energized, they may move about in a whip-like fashion.
  • Do not enter buildings until they have been checked for structural damage.

Remember that the problems are so varied and unpredictable that absolute plans are impossible. On the spot decisions will be necessary, and close attention and adherence should be given to emergency and police officials.

Emergency Agencies

Ambulance ServiceUnion Ambulance District
PoliceUnion Police Department
Franklin County(Emergency)636-583-2567
Missouri State Highway Patrol(Emergency)1-800-525-5555
Fire DepartmentUnion Fire Protection Dist.
HospitalsMissouri Baptist (Sullivan)573-468-4186
Mercy (Washington)636-239-8000
Poison Hotlines1-800-366-8888


ElectricFranklin Co. Dist. Office1-800-552-5783
Washington Dist. Office636-239-4777
Union Work Headquarters636-583-2535
Missouri Natural636-390-2100
WaterCity of Union636-583-3522
American Red Cross St. Louis Area Chapter636-239-4529
Franklin County Emergency OperationsAbraham Cook636-583-1679


The following are steps to minimize damage or loss of life and property and ensure an orderly evacuation of buildings. While these guidelines are specific for fire situations, they should be reviewed in light of any evacuation.

  1. Evacuation for any reason other than immediate life safety hazards shall be initiated by the senior administrator on campus.
  2. Anyone having evidence of or seeing a fire should go to the nearest fire alarm pull station and activate the alarm or find the nearest phone and dial 911. Do not attempt to put out a fire yourself unless there is a fire extinguisher nearby and the fire is under control. Pull stations are located near building entrances on first floors and near the exit routes on the second floors.
  3. Faculty members in a building where an alarm has sounded shall assume responsibility for the evacuation of students in an orderly manner.
  4. Upon evidence of an emergency, faculty members in adjacent buildings shall assume responsibility for the evacuation of students in an orderly manner.
  5. Evacuation of buildings should be made at the closest exit.
  6. The college security staff shall assist with evacuation. The maintenance department shall be available at the site to give technical assistance to emergency agencies.


The procedures below should be followed for persons who may need emergency attention while on the East Central College campus:

  1. If the injury or illness appears acute, call an ambulance immediately. If the switchboard is open (weekdays), dial «0» for the campus operator and the operator will make the call. If the switchboard is closed (evenings, weekends), dial «911» using a pay phone or «9-911» using a campus phone. The following information should be provided:
    1. a general description of the injury or illness,
    2. an exact location where the emergency vehicle should locate, according to the attached map [letter or number], and
    3. answers to any questions from emergency personnel.
    After an ambulance has been called, notify security personnel at extension 6365 or cell 636-368-2183.
  2. If assistance is needed for either a minor or acute injury or illness during regular weekday hours, the director of counseling (ext. 6576) should be contacted. If the director of counseling is not available, the registrar (ext. 6551) should be contacted. In the evening, the evening supervisor (ext. 6699) or security personnel (ext. 6365 or cell 636-368-2183) should be contacted. On weekends, the security personnel should be contacted. After the emergency has been addressed, the vice president for student services and vice president for curriculum & instruction should be notified of the situation by the appropriate staff member.
  3. The director of counseling (weekdays), evening supervisor (evenings), or security personnel/staff member (weekends) should contact the parent, guardian, or spouse of any person with an acute injury or illness and inform them of what action has been taken by college personnel.
  4. In all cases, an emergency report should be forwarded by the staff member most closely involved in the emergency to the director of counseling, who will forward a copy of the report to the director of facilities and grounds. The director of facilities and grounds will inform the appropriate personnel. Forms to report student emergencies are available from the secretary to the vice president for student services (ext. 6565) and forms to report employee emergencies are available from human resources (ext. 6710).
  5. In all cases, caution should be exercised not to do anything that might aggravate the condition of the injured or ill person.

NOTE: Instructors are encouraged to include in their course syllabi or class introductions a statement inviting students to share with them privately any existing medical conditions of which the instructor should be aware.

Implementation of Plan

  1. Actions
    1. If self-activated, the person activating the Contingency Operations Plan will:
      1. Contact the campus emergency coordinator.
      2. Provide the following initial assessment:
        1. Nature and location of emergency/disaster
        2. Whether persons have been injured
        3. Extent of property damage
        4. Disaster potential
      3. Use the telephone only to report an emergency. Use a portable radio to get the latest emergency public information, but wisely conserve batteries.Monitor: KLPW-AM (1220 kHz), KTUI-AM (1560 kHz), KTUI-FM (102.1 MHz), KSLQ-AM (1350 kHz), KSLQ-FM (104.5 MHz), KGNV (89.9 MHz). If no local station survives, monitor KMOX-AM (1120 kHz) or another St. Louis area station.
    2. If a person has been named in this plan or assigned a part in it, perform as required. Volunteers should report to the office area outside of the command center or administrative building for instructions.
  2. Emergency Alarm System: The signaling of a fire alarm will direct the immediate evacuation of the buildings. When directing employees and students to an assembly area, care should be taken to avoid potentially hazardous areas. All personnel are required to remain out of the building area until instructed to do otherwise by personnel in charge.
  3. Emergency reference information:
    1. Listing of all necessary maintenance people to contact. (Page ii)
    2. Utilities cut-off locations on the campus. (Pages 36-43))
    3. Listing and location of all First Aid Supplies. (Appendix 4)

Line of Authority

The ranking person in authority, on the basis of his/her best judgment, will take immediate action in situations where necessary. The ranking person will then notify the president and the college relations director as soon as possible for coordination of communication, both internal and external.

The following line of authority will be in effect:

Day Hours 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

  1. College President
  2. Acting College President/Vice President of Instruction
  3. Vice President as assigned

Evening Hours 4:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

  1. Evening Services Specialist

Saturdays 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. (when classes are in session)

  1. Saturday Supervisor

Other Hours

  1. Director of Facilities & Grounds

Contingency Operations Committee

  1. Command Center – The command center will be the board room in Buescher Hall. The alternate location is the Green Room located on the lower level of the AC Building. Personnel in the command center are responsible for bringing together the collection of information relating to conditions on campus resulting from the incident, coordinating and assigning response forces on campus with local public response agencies, and keeping campus emergency coordinator informed as the following events evolve.
    1. Maintain an accurate log of events as they are reported and record specific response activities.
    2. Gather information relevant to personal injuries, fatalities, building conditions, utility problems, etc.
    3. Coordinate response to first aid needs from in-house or outside providers as available.
    4. Communicate with campus emergency coordinator as to campus conditions on a continual basis.
    5. Coordinate in-house rescue and remediation efforts.
    6. Coordinate efforts for sustained mass care for citizens if requested.
    7. Communicate with public response agencies as appropriate.
  2. Campus Emergency Coordinator – President or an authorized representative: The Campus Emergency Coordinator will have overall responsibility in the event of activation of the plan. The emergency coordinator’s major responsibilities are to:
    1. Decide on action to be taken in handling emergency or disaster relative to students, personnel, property, campus operations, communications, and public information.
    2. Coordinate overall emergency action.
    3. Contact appropriate college personnel to report to the command center:
      1. President’s Office:
        • President
        • Vice President, Instruction
        • Vice President, Student Development
        • Facilities & Grounds Director
      2. Public Relations Director Executive Assistant The director of public relations will attend to reporters and media, making facilities available to them where they may congregate to receive pertinent information from the college concerning events as they occur.
  3. Vice President, Instruction The vice president, instruction will act in a roving,trouble shooting capacity, reporting back to the command center. More specifically,
    1. Police the disaster areas.
    2. Safeguard life and college property.
  4. Vice President, Student Development Acting through the command center, the vice president, student development will:
    1. Provide information and accountability of students as requested by authorized persons and as accessible at the time of the request. Such information may include acquired medical data.
    2. Contact a student’s designated nearest relative in the event of injury or special circumstances resulting from an emergency included under this plan.
    3. Maintain an accurate log of events as they are reported.
    4. Receive information on conditions on campus.
    5. Provide advice regarding students, staff buildings, classes and operation from information obtained.
    6. Assist in making decisions relating to resumption of normal activities.
    7. Prepare information for release to public relations director.
    8. Refer inquiries from concerned parties in the community to the public relations director.
  5. Human Resources Director Acting through the command center, the human resources director is responsible for serving as a liaison with law enforcement. The human resources director’s major responsibilities are to:
    1. Alert neighboring agencies for possible assistance and seek additional outside help after conferring with the emergency coordinator.
      1. Alert ambulance service, if necessary.
      2. Alert Union Fire Department, if necessary.
      3. Alert Union Police Department, if necessary.
      4. Alert Missouri State Highway Patrol, if necessary.
      5. Alert hospitals of emergency, if necessary.
      6. Alert in coordination with facilities & grounds director, utility companies, if necessary.
    2. Route traffic and fire fighting equipment as necessary. Allow only emergency equipment and members of authority onto the campus.
    3. Control traffic in and out of the campus, permit only authorized personnel to enter the campus.
    4. Police all campus boundaries, control passage of personnel and vehicles through roadblocks.
    5. Identify college personnel against whom legal action may be taken, whenever identification seems appropriate.
    6. Notify immediate families of injured employees.
  6. Facilities & Grounds Director Acting through the command center, the facilities & grounds director is responsible for emergency action on the campus, reducing immediate and potential hazards and minimizing damage. Major responsibilities are to:
    1. Contact physical plant personnel as necessary.
    2. Along with the vice president, student development, depending upon the emergency, authorize evacuation of campus, if necessary.
    3. Advise maintenance supervisor of maintenance and utility requirements, safety concerns and requirements.
    4. Keep the president (campus emergency coordinator) or an authorized representative informed of activities taking place.
    5. Oversee rescue operations.
    6. Direct the cutting off of necessary utilities.
    7. Provide food and lodging when required.
    8. Assist in directing return of campus to normal operations

Location of First Aid Supplies/Kits

First aid kits should be located in the following places:

Administration (AD) Building

  • 1st Floor – Registrar’s Office, file cabinet, Room 115
  • 2nd Floor – Director of Counseling Office, file cabinet, Room 203A

Multipurpose (MP) Building

  • 3rd Floor – Media Services Office, 3rd Floor
  • 2nd Floor – Fitness Center, 2nd Floor

Classroom/Laboratory (CL) Building

  • 1st Floor – Student Development Center, Room 4122
  • 2nd Floor – Allied Health Office, Room 4210

Vocational/Technical (VT) Building

  • 1st Floor – Office Careers Lab, Room 110
  • 2nd Floor – Continuing Education Office, bottom file drawer, Room 215 VT

Auditorium/Classroom (AC) Building

  • 1st Floor – Music Office, file drawer, Room 111
  • 1st Floor – Theater Shop
  • 2nd Floor – Kitchenette, drawer

*Correlated to maps 32-40.

Other Disasters

In the event of a disaster or emergency not included in this manual, the president or administrator in charge should decide whether to convene the contingency operations committee outlined in section II of this manual.

The following should be evaluated:

  • Health and safety of students, employees, and others on campus
  • Damage to, and safety of, physical facilities of the campus
  • Notification of appropriate emergency personnel
  • Communication to students, personnel, media, and general public

Implementation of specific parts of this plan may be appropriate to this unspecified disaster or emergency, including:

  • Line of Authority/Areas of Responsibility, Section II
  • Implementation of Plan, Section III
  • Building Evacuations, Section IV
  • Illness/Injury, Section X
  • Crisis Communications, Section XII

The college president or administrator in charge shall determine the appropriate action and level of response.

Purpose, Scope, Definitions


This document describes procedures to be followed and identifies college personnel who will carry out these steps. This plan is intended to minimize the effects of a disaster or emergency by prompt treatment of injuries, prevention of further injuries, evacuation of injured, reduction of property damage and providing for continuity and expeditious resumption of normal operations.


This plan is activated when a situation occurs that threatens students, personnel or facilities of the college with injury or damage.

The plan can be self activating or activated by the college president or designee(s).

Self activating: disaster has occurred and damage and destruction are apparent. The responders identified will immediately report to the campus emergency coordinator (college president or designee, see pg. i for line of authority), receive instructions and initiate disaster responses.

The major focus of this response plan is to prepare the college staff to quickly…..

  1. Establish and maintain order and provide leadership
  2. Provide immediate assistance for injured
  3. Assess injuries and damage to facilities
  4. Control hazardous conditions
  5. Provide for orderly evacuation and shutdown (if necessary)
  6. Secure damaged areas
  7. Provide and manage citizen relocation center
  8. Provide information to media as to situations on campus resulting from the incident
  9. Prepare for resumption of normal services as soon as possible


A disaster is a major event that results in loss of life, property, etc., which has caused disruption of all or most campus operations, such as:

  • Earthquake
  • Tornado
  • Fire

An emergency is generally an unexpected occurrence or set of circumstances demanding immediate action which has caused disruption of operations of a building or limited area of the campus, such as:

Escaping toxic or flammable gas, riot, campus utility failures – water, gas, or

electric, explosion/bomb threat, hostage situations, injury(ies) or medical situation

Snow Procedures

East Central College is committed to providing a safe environment in which to learn and work.  Students and employees must make it their personal responsibility to stay informed regarding college closures, cancellations or delays.

Every effort is made to provide announcement of school closings by 6 a.m. However, changing weather conditions often require decisions to be made after 6 a.m. or at other times. The conditions may dictate specific or different closures for the Union campus or the Rolla centers.

Students should use common sense in making a decision to travel to the location of their classes. If the college is open, students are responsible for work missed in their classes. Students should use the contact information provided in the course syllabi to advise faculty of their absence.

Closing Announcements:

  • ECC Alert
  • ECC employee and student email
  • Local radio and t.v. stations
  • ECC website (Home Page)
  • ECC social media sites
  • College emergency phone line: 1-800-976-0071.

The cancellation of day classes (before 5 p.m.) does not automatically mean night classes and activities are also cancelled. A separate decision will be made at approximately 3 p.m. regarding whether evening classes and events (after 5 p.m.) will be held.

Early Dismissal

If the College closes early, classes in session will conclude at the closing time regardless of when they begin (i.e., if closing at 4 p.m., a class that starts at 3:30 p.m. will end at 4 p.m. regardless of the regularly scheduled ending time). If ECC has an early dismissal during the day, night classes will not be held.

Evening Classes/Evening Events

Decisions regarding the cancellation of evening classes(after 5 p.m.) when weather conditions deteriorate during the day will be made at approximately 2-3 p.m. so people will know not to attend night classes. 

Please note that there are two separate designations: 

  • East Central College (Union campus)
  • East Central College-Rolla (classes held at Rolla Technical Center and the Rolla North facility)

Several stations (KSDK, Fidelity Cable, KTUI and KMOX) will carry announcements for both ECC and ECC-Rolla.

UNION Campus: Information regarding cancellations or a delayed start will be aired over the following stations and will be listed as East Central College:

TV StationsChannel
KTVI – St.   Louis2 – Fox
KMOV – St.   Louis4 – CBS
KSDK – St.   Louis*5 – NBC
Fidelity   Cable*6 & 95
Radio StationsDial #
KLPW – Union1220 AM
KTUI –   Sullivan*1560 AM/102.1 FM
KMOX – St.   Louis*1120 AM
KWRE/KFAV –   Warrenton730 AM/99.9 FM

ROLLA CLASSES: Information regarding cancellations or snow schedule at ECC locations in Rolla will be aired over the following stations and will be listed as East Central College-Rolla.  

TV StationsChannel
KOLR – Springfield10 – CBS
KYTV – Springfield3 – NBC
KSFX- Springfield27 – FOX
KSPR – Springfield33 – ABC
Fidelity Cable6 & 95
Radio StationsFrequency
KZNN- Rolla105.3 FM
KTTR- Rolla/St.James1490 AM/99.7 FM
KKID- Rolla/Salem92.9 FM
KFLW – St. Robert98.9 FM
KTUI –Sullivan1560 AM/102.1 FM
KMOX – St. Louis1120 AM

*Indicates stations that air information for all ECC locations

Information by Phone:

Call 1-800-976-0071 for more details on closings/cancellations or changes to the normal operating schedule.

Emergency Notification System – ECC Alert


ECC Alert is a notification system that will send subscribers time-sensitive text messages to mobile devices, email, and/or phones. In the event of an emergency, subscribers will be notified immediately of the situation, wherever they are geographically.

ECC Alert will be used during the following circumstances:

  • Severe weather. A closing or late start due to snow/ice, flooding or a threat from a tornado requiring those to take shelter.
  • Major facility emergencies or evacuations, such as fire.
  • Safety threats in which an armed or dangerous person is at large on or near an ECC campus or location.

ECC Alert is a free service (except if your mobile carrier charges for the incoming call or text message) and is available to ECC students, employees and other interested parties. You do not need to install software and/or hardware and you can opt out at any time.

ECC WILL NOT release the contact information of our subscribers to any third party marketers.

Franklin County, American Red Cross

The East Central College of the State of Missouri and the Franklin County Chapter, American Red Cross desire to cooperate in meeting the human needs growing out of disasters. To effect coordination and utilization of the resources and efforts of both organizations, this statement of understanding has been prepared.

Experience shows that it is frequently necessary for the Red Cross to use school buildings for mass shelters.

The Franklin County Chapter, American Red Cross, recognized the school buildings are the property of local school districts and that permission for use of these buildings must be obtained from local school officials.

The East Central College recognizes the primary responsibility of the Franklin County Chapter, American Red Cross, is to give relief of human needs resulting from disasters (Public Law 4, 58th Congress, January 5, 1905).

The East Central College will authorize the Franklin County Chapter, American Red Cross, the usage of school buildings for disaster shelters and mass feeding when a disaster occurs.

The Franklin County Chapter, American Red Cross, will assume the following:

  1. The cost of feeding and sheltering
  2. The responsibility to identify the shelter
  3. The responsibility to provide a staff to operate the shelter

The Franklin County Chapter, American Red Cross, agrees to protect, hold harmless, and indemnify the East Central College only against legal liability in respect to bodily injury, death, and property damage arising from the negligence of the Red Cross in connection with their use of the facilities.

The East Central College agrees that, after meeting its responsibilities to pupils, it will permit, to the extent of its ability and upon request by the Red Cross, the use of public school facilities by the Red Cross as mass shelters immediately after a disaster has struck or in advance of a potential disaster or as part of a drill or exercise.

Red Cross Representative School District Official

Date Date


Name, address, and telephone number of organization:

East Central College (314) 583-5193
1964 Prairie Dell Rd.
Union, MO 63084


When weather conditions indicate that a tornado is possible, the President or the designated administrator in charge will monitor weather reports and stay informed regarding the need to implement the tornado emergency procedure.  During evening hours this responsibility is delegated to the Night Administrator or the designated administrator on duty for evening hours.  Notice of a tornado warning will be given verbally on a room-by-room basis by college personnel.

When a warning is given, college staff and students are advised to take shelter in ground floor rooms away from windows.

Recommended locations include:

Buescher Hall

First Floor Interior Section

Interior Stairways

Rooms with No Windows

Multipurpose Building

Lower Level Away From Glass

Locker Rooms

AC Building

Lower Level Hallway

Interior Ground Floor

Green Room, Dressing Rooms

CC Building

First Floor Hallway

First Floor Rest Rooms

Rooms 104 and 124

BC Building

Classrooms:  BC 138 and 143

HS Building

Lower Level Hallway


Center Hallway Away From Glass

Students and personnel in the Maintenance Buildings should vacate those buildings and take shelter in one of the five main campus buildings, if there is time.

Students and personnel outside at the ball diamonds and soccer fields should be instructed to come indoors to one of the five main campus buildings by the Bookstore Manager.

After the tornado:

  • Do not light fires or smoke in the event of leaking gas.
  • Do not touch fallen electrical wire.  Move away from all electrical wires; if they are energized or re-energized, they may move about in whip-like fashion.
  • Do not enter buildings until they have been checked for structural damage.

Remember that the problems are so varied and unpredictable that absolute plans are impossible.  On-the-spot decisions will be necessary, and close attention and adherence should be given to emergency and police officials.