Start Here-Learn About Online Courses at ECC

Welcome to Online Learning at East Central College

East Central College offers online coursework spanning across many academic disciplines. The content covered in any online course at ECC will be equal to that in a traditional classroom based course. Instead of the traditional classroom setting, ECC’s online courses are accessed through the College’s Moodle virtual learning system.

ECC offers several types of online courses. Please review these web course definitions carefully to help you decide which courses will be most appropriate for your needs.

If you have questions about online learning in general or need technical support please contact the Online Learning Helpdesk at (636) 584-6609 or

Online Resources

Am I ready for an Online Course?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Canvas Technology Requirements

Types of Web Courses

Online Learning Helpdesk

Student Grievance/Concern Procedure

Students enrolled in online and on-campus courses should attempt to resolve complaints by using the following form:

Student Concern Form

If the East Central College grievance process is exhausted, you may file a complaint with the Missouri Department of Higher Education using the following contact information.

Amy Werner
Missouri Department of Higher Education
State Portal Agent for SARA
PO Box 1469
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 522-1377