How to Succeed at ECC
If you want to be prepared and successful in the Early College Program, we strongly recommend that you review the information below. Bookmark it to review throughout your term.
Web Tools: MyECC, FalconMail, Canvas
Links can be found at the top right of our homepage at All tools can be accessed with your single-sign-on password that you will set up through MyECC. To get started, locate your username and pin number on your acceptance letter.
- MyECC is a secure online destination for all of your information. It’s where you handle the “business” of attending ECC, such as reviewing records, updating personal info, viewing your class schedule, creating your plan of study, and more.
- FalconMail is the official ECC email account for students. All official ECC communications are sent through your FalconMail account ( Information sent to this account includes: updates on billing, academic progress, registration, and other items of concern to students. Additionally, instructors may use FalconMail to send class information. Be sure to check and respond your email each week. Our system does not allow you to forward email, but you can download the Microsoft Outlook App to your phone for your convenience. In the app, enter your FalconMail information, and choose the Microsoft 365 option.
- Canvas is ECC’s online learning management system allows students and instructors to move beyond the physical limitations of the classroom setting. Many classroom-based courses are supplemented with online course components. The system uses a wide range of online communication, assessment, and multimedia tools to stimulate and enhance the traditional classroom environment. We strongly recommend reviewing the Canvas / ECC Online Orientation & Guides prior to the start of your class at
Login to ECC Online / Canvas from the ECC homepage to access your syllabus. This is your “to do” list for your course and includes instructor contact information, assignments, and other classroom policies. Your syllabus is typically available on the first day of classes. If you don’t see it in Canvas that day, you will review this during your first in-person class session.
Time Management
Be prepared to spend time outside of class working on assignments, projects, and presentations – possibly group presentations – as well. A good rule of thumb is that for every one credit hour of class that you enroll in, you should plan to spend 2-3 additional hours studying. If you spend three hours in class per week, you can expect to spend 6-9 hours studying outside of class. For a three-credit-hour online class, you will likely spend additional time.
ECC is an attendance-taking institution. Follow the attendance policies outlined in your syllabus. For students enrolled in online classes, logging into Canvas is how instructors track your attendance. If you stop logging in or attending class, you may be dropped from your course or receive a failing grade. In either case, you will likely still owe any unpaid balance. If you have questions about your account, check your MyECC account, call our Cashier’s Office at (636) 584-6739, or stop by the Student Service Center.
Course Materials
If you plan to enroll in classes at an ECC location, you should consult the ECC Bookstore website for course material information, prior to the start of class at Your class schedule will contain the course information needed to search for your books. If you will be taking classes at your high school, course materials may be available in your classroom, or you may have to purchase them. Consult with your high school teacher or your advisor at ECC for more information.
It is absolutely vital to communicate with your instructor. All course content, testing, and classroom-related issues must be communicated directly between your faculty member and you. It is also very helpful to include your student id number and the name of the class in your emails to instructors. Treat your course like a job, and let your instructor know about any expected absences or unexpected events that may affect your attendance or progress in a course. Please note that the Director of Early College Programs will not intervene in academic matters, such as extension requests on assignments.
If you are taking courses at an ECC location, you will likely be in class with adult students, so you may hear perspectives and language that differ from your high school or home school setting. There could be times when content is outside of your comfort zone. If this is a point of concern, you should discuss this with your instructor.
Access Services
Access Services provides support for students who have documented permanent disabilities by making reasonable accommodations in regard to academic instruction and other college or student-related activities. Accommodations may include but are not limited to: adaptive technology, environmental modifications, alternative testing arrangements, note-taking services, and use of prerecorded media. The Access Services Advisor is Lesley Peters. She can be reached at or by calling 636-584-6588.
Students who will be taking classes at an ECC location are responsible for their own transportation.
Impact on Future Financial Aid
While Early College students typically do not qualify for financial aid right now, your early college grades become a part of your permanent educational record and will impact on your eligibility for financial aid in the future. This includes A+ funding, scholarships, and other funding sources. Please take your coursework seriously.
Testing Center
Even if you are taking a completely online course, you will likely be required to come to an ECC location for testing. You will need to bring your photo id with you, such as your driver’s license or school id. Tests are only given up to one hour prior to close. Ex. If the Testing Center closes at 6 p.m., you need to arrive by 5 p.m..
Check with your specific testing location prior to your planned test day to be sure you are prepared. Feel free to call ahead of your visit to see what information is available about your test, including whether you can use a calculator, notecard, and/or any other pertinent test information.
For students who are not within a reasonable driving distance to an ECC location, we can typically offer remote testing at an accredited college closer to your home. If this is a point of concern, please discuss alternative testing options with your instructor.
You Are Our Student
Your instructors want to talk with you – not your family or friends. However, if you would like to give someone else access to discuss your academic and financial matters (including parents), you must give written permission by completing a Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Release. That form is available at Please note this form must be signed in person at one of our locations, or you must get it notarized if you plan to mail it in.
Students with Criminal Backgrounds
There may be students on campus who have a criminal background. ECC’s Behavioral Intervention Team reviews any student with a felony conviction and determines if a student should be enrolled or not. Safety of our students is always the top priority in these decisions. Any concerns should be addressed to the Vice President of Student Development.
Early College Student Id
We strongly encourage you to visit our Union or Rolla location to get your Early College Student Photo Id. That way, you are all set for that next test and to rent materials from our library. Also, some businesses give discounts to students with a photo id.
Library & Learning Center
You have access to all of our Library and Learning Center services, which are available at our Union and Rolla locations. Visit these areas to learn more about the research, tutoring, and more that these areas offer.
Important Dates
It is your responsibility to know the important dates in your term:
- Assignment and Test Dates: Located in your syllabus and/or communicated by your instructor.
- Payment Deadline: Students who do not pay by the date will be dropped from classes.
- Refund deadlines: You may get 100%, 50%, or 0% back, depending on what date you drop a course.
- Last Day to Withdraw: Students who do not drop by this date are awarded a grade by the instructor, which could negatively impact your grade point average.
Important Contact Info:
- Your Instructor(s): Consult your syllabi for contact information.
- Student Services: 636-584-6588 /
- Bookstore: 636-584-6737 /
- Cashier’s Office: (636) 584-6739 /
- Tech Issues – IT Help Desk: 636-584-6738 or