
With the VoipLink app on your phone, all calls you make and receive would be through your office number.  Your personal cell number will not show up on caller ID.

To access please go to either the Play Store or App Store (depending on whether you are IOS or Android) and download the “VoipLink for Business” app. Once downloaded open the app and put your full office phone number in the username field and then your commportal password and click log in. If you do not know your Commportal password please contact the helpdesk to get your password reset. Your original password for your commportal password is on the Sotel Voiplink Voice Quick Reference Guide which was printed specifically for your account.

After you get through all the app permission questions, click on the icon shown below.

VoipLink instructions

This will take you to the following screen which has your settings, scroll down to “Calls” and click on “Calling mode”

VoipLink instructions

Once in “Calling Mode” click the slide switch to enable “make calls on Wi-Fi only” this way you will not use your phone’s data to make calls.

VoipLink instructions