Month: September 2019

Get Free Financial Aid Help!

September 30, 2019 | Campus News

Getting financial aid for college can be stressful for many people. What forms do I fill out? What scholarships and grants am I eligible for? When are the deadlines?

East Central College wants to make the process easier! We will be holding a series of workshops to help students fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA.

FAFSA Nights will be held at the Union campus and Rolla Main location from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, October 1
  • Thursday, October 17
  • Tuesday, October 29
  • Thursday, November 14
  • Tuesday, November 26

Students are able to file the FAFSA as early as October 1 for the 2020-2021 school year. The workshops are open to all students – not just those planning to go to East Central College.

What should I bring?

  • Social Security Number
  • Driver’s License
  • W-2 Forms
  • 2018 Federal Income Tax Return
  • Your Parent’s Federal Income Tax Return (if applicable)
  • Veterans Non-Education Benefit Records
  • Child Support Received and/or Paid
  • Worker’s Compensation
  • Current Business and Investment Information
  • Alien Registration or Permanent Resident Card

The FAFSA priority deadline for Fall 2020 is July 1, 2020. In regards to scholarships, East Central College’s priority scholarship deadline is December 1, 2019. However, East Central College Financial Aid encourages students to complete the process sooner than later!

Questions? 636.584.6588 or

Early College Programs See Growth in 2019

September 30, 2019 | Campus News

It’s been a year of growth for the East Central College Early College Program. Compared to September of last year, student headcount has increased nearly 23 percent!

“We’re seeing substantial gains in Union, Washington, Owensville, St. Francis Borgia and Cuba,” said Megen Strubberg, Director of Early College Programs. “We also recently partnered with Nichols Career Center in Jefferson City in culinary arts, which is a first.”

More than 540 students are taking advantage of earning college credit in high school in 2019.

“Dual credit is a great way to immerse yourself in the college course in a high school environment,” said Jake McNiel, Washington High School junior. “I previously took college algebra over the summer my sophomore year through the Three for Free program. It was and still is a very good experience for me.”

“We have worked very hard to communicate the benefits of early college programs, including dual credit and dual enrollment classes,” said Strubberg,” especially with regard to Missouri’s CORE 42 initiative, which guarantees credit transfer for general education courses at all public higher education institutions in the state.”

Developing an early college program is part of East Central College’s new strategic plan, SOAR to 2024.

“Our goal is to increase the headcount of our early college students to 660 by 2024,” said Heath Martin, Vice President of Student Development. “We are almost halfway to that goal in the first year, which is very exciting.”

Working and communicating with high schools is key to growing the program.

“Our long-term goal is to work with local districts to create a true Early College Program, which will allow students to graduate high school with a post-secondary credential, up to an associate’s degree,” said Strubberg.

Additionally, East Central College is making it easier financially for high school students to get college credit.

“We will offer the Three for Free program again in 2020, which allows students to take one course tuition free over the summer,” said Martin.

Rolla Business Leaders Complete ECC Supervisor Leadership Class

September 24, 2019 | Campus News ECC Rolla

Nearly a dozen local business leaders from LMI, American Precision Die Casting, Rawlings and Brewer Science attended the East Central College Supervisor Leadership Certification class in Rolla in September. The two-day workshop was facilitated by the Center for Workforce Development.

“I was surprised with several things – in a good way,” explained James Levin, American Precision Die Casting. “The class definitely will give me direction moving forward. I believe this is something every manager, including upper management, should attend.”

The Supervisor Leadership Certificate focuses on several key areas in order to improve managerial skills. The goal is for managers to become aware of their strengths and weaknesses and implement new strategies to improve the workplace.

“Much of the material was a breath of fresh air,” said Robert Williams, LMI. “It truly encouraged me to create a more balanced environment for my coworkers and peers.”

“In order for businesses to be competitive in the global economy, they need leaders who can empower and motivate employees,” said Dr. Edward Shelton, Executive Director of Workforce Development. “The Supervisor Leadership Certificate is designed to instill a culture of shared trust and communication between supervisors and their employees.”

The workshop was held at East Central College in Rolla, 2303 North Bishop. For more information about workforce development and training, visit

New Online Workforce Training Available for AEL Students

September 23, 2019 | Campus News

Students preparing to pass the High School Equivalency Test through the East Central College Adult Education and Literacy program will now get a new opportunity to strengthen their workforce skills.

“In September, we started offering new, online training programs for our students,” said Alice Whalen, Director of Adult Education and Literacy. “These courses allow students to gain the knowledge needed for high-demand jobs in the area.”

There are currently 15 new online workforce training options, ranging from advanced manufacturing to safety technician to child development associate. Two additional on-site classes, Introduction to MIG Welding and Certified Nursing Assistant, are also available to AEL students.

“The courses are self-paced,” said Whalen. “The classes are a great compliment to our students preparing for the HiSET or learning English as a second language.”

Right now, the classes are not free. However, Whalen says many adult students may be eligible for substantial financial assistance through AEL’s partnerships with the Missouri Job Centers in Rolla and Washington. Scholarships may also be available.

Pun and Meme Student Contest – September 25

September 22, 2019 | Campus News

Join us for some fun puns and silly memes at Pundememium on September 25 from 12 – 2:30 p.m. in Cafe Central! The pun and meme competition is open to all students enrolled at East Central College.

Pundememium consists of two competitions: Pun Pro and Meme Master.

Pun Pro

This competition is limited to 15 contestants. Contestants can pre-register here by September 20 with your name, preferred time (30 minute slots between 12 – 2:30) and T-shirt size. Students may also register the day of the event beginning at 11:30 a.m. in Cafe Central.

Participants are asked to create and share original work that incorporates as many puns related to one specific topic or theme. The work must be original! Contestants are encouraged to memorize their work, but they can read from notes or flashcards if needed. Costumes are optional (but encouraged!).

The performance should be between 60 – 90 seconds. There is a ten-second grace period for those who go over the 90-second limit. Participants who go past the grace period will be disqualified.

A panel of ECC faculty and staff will rate each performance on a 10-point scale. The highest and lowest scores will be thrown out, and the remaining scores will be added together for the overall total.

All contestants will receive a Pundememium T-Shirt. Other prizes will be awarded to the top three performers.

Meme Master

No advance registration is required for this event. There will be approximately ten rounds, and each round is its own competition! You can stay for as many rounds as you want.

Students will be shown an image. Then, they will have one minute to write text that corresponds to the visual. Judges will collect the captions, review them and share the top three memes submitted each round. The winner of each round will a prize!

Winners of the individual rounds will then compete in the final round. The top three memes will receive a special prize.

NOTE: Winners who cannot stay for the final round may complete an on-site absentee meme. Additionally, students who cannot make it to the competition can still compete! Between September 18 – 24, students can stop by the Student Government Office, the library, the English Department (HH 251), and pick up a worksheet that contains six images. Email your completed form with your best meme work to by 10 a.m. on Wednesday, September 25.


The event is sponsored by the ECC Faculty Association, Student Government Association, English Department and Library.

Culinary Department Teams Up With Missouri Department of Conservation for “Venison: Freezer to Fork” Class

September 18, 2019 | Campus News

With hunting season underway, East Central College Chef Mike Palazzola is lending his expertise to the community on unique and delicious ways to prepare venison.

The Venison: Freezer to Fork class will be held on Saturday, October 26 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the East Central Training Center located at 1964 Prairie Dell Road in Union.

“I will demonstrate the basics of market butchery and preparing venison for the dinner table,” said Palazzola. “We will use nearly 100 percent of a deer donated by MDC to make something everyone can enjoy.”

Seating is limited to 15 for this free event and registration is required. To register, please visit the Missouri Department of Conservation Website or call East Central College Community Education at 636-584-6529.

Public Relations Director Named Finalist for National Competition

September 17, 2019 | Campus News

Each year, the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations recognizes newcomers who have demonstrated special creativity or ability in marketing and public relations and show evidence of a promising future in the field. The “Rising Star” award is given annually in each of NCMPR’s seven districts, and district winners automatically qualify for consideration for the national award.

In 2019, East Central College’s Director of Public Relations, Jay Scherder, was named a District 5 “Rising Star!”

“Jay has a positive energy that radiates in his work,” said Joel Doepker, Vice President of External Relations. “He is open to new ideas, eager to innovate and willing to work with anyone. His passion for education drives him to be the best.”

During his three-year tenure, the East Central College Public Relations Department has received several national and regional awards for social media, photography, writing and video. He has also been actively involved in NCMPR and the Missouri Community College Association (MCCA).

“Over the last three years, Jay has been a trusted resource for MCCA concerning our marketing and public relations strategy,” said Brian Millner, MCCA President. “We value his knowledge and experience and appreciate his desire to help Missouri’s twelve community colleges come together to share ideas and advance common goals.”

The “Rising Star” national award winner will be announced at the NCMPR National Conference in Orlando, Florida in March.

The National Council for Marketing and Public Relations is a professional organization for individuals involved in marketing, communications, public relations and enrollment management at community, junior and technical colleges. NCMPR provides professional development opportunities, advocates on behalf of the profession and the institutions it serves, and recognizes professional excellence.

East Central College Mosaic Project Nears Completion

September 17, 2019 | Campus News

There were many activities on campus during the 50th Anniversary Celebration on September 15, but one particular activity gave community members the chance to leave a lasting impression on the college.

“We are constructing a series of ‘rose’ windows on campus,” said Adam Watkins, Assistant Art Professor. “It’s called the East Central College Mosaic Project.”

Throughout the project, several students and staff members have decorated different pieces to be included in the art installation, including hexagons.

“The hexagon is found in nature and creates a sense of natural harmony,” said Watkins. “Overall the design is split into six wedges or regions that represent the six board members and the regions they represented of the college’s service area.”

Other shapes has also been a part of the project, including a house shape, circle shape and a plus sign. At the 50th Anniversary Celebration, more than 100 people stopped by to check out the project. Some 60 people actually took part in creating mosaic pieces.

“It was a very fun and active day!” said Jennifer Higerd, Assistant Art Professor. She has been planning, researching and preparing the project with Watkins. “We are intending for this to eventually be installed in The Learning Center for the next 50 years. We feel this spot is the hub of what we do at East Central College.”

East Central College Board of Trustees Unanimously Approves New Strategic Plan

September 6, 2019 | Campus News Inspiring Excellence

East Central College’s five-year strategic plan, SOAR to 2024, was unanimously approved by the Board of Trustees at its August 26 meeting.

“I am grateful for the countless hours of work that have gone into the development of the plan,” said. Dr. Bauer. “We now turn our attention to implementation. I am excited and incredibly optimistic about what’s in store for East Central over the next five years.”

In 2018, East Central College partnered with CampusWorks to help design a strategic plan. Since that time, the company has worked closely with East Central College administration, faculty, staff, Board of Trustee members and the strategic planning committee to ensure that all stakeholders had a voice in the process.

“This plan is a big step forward for the college’s future,” said Ann Hartley, East Central College Board of Trustees president, “I am so proud of what has been accomplished in a relatively short amount of time.. The Board of Trustees is so appreciative of the involvement from our students, faculty and staff who helped make this possible.”

In January 2019, ECC hosted a region-wide Future Summit. All of the college’s constituents were invited and encouraged to participate. More than 200 people, from healthcare, manufacturing, education and more, engaged in discussions about East Central College’s future challenges and how to address them.

“Community input has been invaluable throughout this process,” said Dr. Bauer. “It allowed us to create a plan that truly reflects who we want to be as an institution and how we are going to get there.”

Students also took part in the strategic planning process. In February, more than 50 students came together in series of focus groups to provide input and ideas.

“The student focus groups helped us identify what an ideal student experience should look like at East Central College,” explained Dr. Bauer. “Our students want an environment that is academically challenging and personally meaningful.”

SOAR to 2024 features a new mission and vision for the college, as well as a new set of values. Additionally, five major strategies will help shape the future of the college. The “Pathways” strategy focuses on developing clear academic and career pathways with personalized support to increase enrollment and promote student success.

The “Partnerships” strategy focuses on strengthening partnerships with local high schools, higher education institutions and employers to drive intellectual and economic development in the region.

The “Employees” strategy concentrates on creating a culture of collaboration and learning to attract, retain and develop diverse and talented employees at the college.

Expanding East Central College’s presence and offerings in Rolla to enhance the college’s impact throughout the region is the mission of the “Rolla” strategy.

Finally, the “Financial Strength” strategy puts attention on securing financial strength in order to sustain institutional viability.

East Central College will continue to update the community on its progress throughout implementation of SOAR to 2024.

East Central College Named Finalist in Regional Public Relations Awards

September 5, 2019 | Campus News

Each year, the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations recognizes outstanding achievement in design and communication in each of its seven districts. The Medallion Awards are exclusive to marketing and public relations professionals at two-year colleges.

In September, East Central College was informed it had been named a finalist in four Medallion Award categories for 2019 in district 5, which includes Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, the Canadian province of Manitoba, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.

“I’m proud of my communications and marketing team for being recognized for its excellent work,” said Joel Doepker, Vice President of External Relations. “This is a great honor from a well-respected organization.”

The college will now compete against two other colleges for bronze, silver and gold in the original photography, excellence in writing, college promotional brand video and social media categories. The awards will be announced at the annual district five fall conference in October.


The National Council for Marketing & Public Relations is a professional organization for individuals involved in marketing, communications, public relations and enrollment management at community, junior and technical colleges. NCMPR provides professional development opportunities, advocates on behalf of the profession and the institutions it serves, and recognizes professional excellence. NCMPR has more than 1,700 members from nearly 650 colleges across the United States and Canada.