Books, CDs, DVDs, digital books

  • How do I find books, CDs, DVDs, etc. in the ECC Library?
    Use the LOCATE catalog to search by title, author, or keyword for items in the ECC Library. If you receive a list of materials, click on the title to find out more information. You will need the location, call number, and status to find the item on the shelf.
  • How do I find books using MOBIUS? Use MOBIUS to borrow books and other items from other libraries. Start at MOBIUS and search by title, author, or keyword. Click on the title to find out more information about the title.  Click on “Display holdings” to see if a copy if available.  If available click on “Request”, choose Archway as your cluster, login with MyECC login and password, and select your pick-up location. Available items will be received in 2-3 business days. Books check out for 4 weeks, audio/visual items for 10 days.
  • How do I find and access electronic books?Student in library
    Some electronic books can be found in the LOCATE catalog or a link to EBSCO ebooks  or Overdrive/Libby on the Articles and Online Resources page. You will login with MyECC login and password. Electronic books can also be found using Gale Virtual Reference.   These online resources search many titles for full entries on facts, people, places, concepts, and more. Review an online tour to help with searching to achieve the best results.
  •  What do I need to check out books, CDs, DVDs, etc from the Library?
    Students, staff, and faculty need a current ECC ID to check out any library materials. Students can receive an ECC ID at the Karen Sue Wieda Student Service Center, located in Buescher Hall.  Employees can visit the on-campus Union Police substation.


  • How do I find online articles?
    Start at the Library home page, and search in our Big Blue Box or choose Articles and Online Resources, select your general subject area. From the list of resources under your general subject area, select a resource to search. Common resources are EBSCOhost, Issues & Controversies, Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center.
  • How do I find articles using EBSCOhost?
    Start at the Library home page, choose ALL DATABASES (EBSCO) listed on the A to Z Online Resources page. The next page lists subsets within EBSCOhost. For most searching, it’s recommended to use Academic Search Premier. On the basic search page enter your search terms and select other limiters of your choosing.  To view the entire article click on the link that says HTML Full-Text or PDF Full-Text. Print the article you have on the screen.
    If you have too many results, you can enter an additional search term (such as “and recycling”) in the search box or select the limit options in the left-hand column.
  • How do I find articles using Global Issues in Context?
    Start at the Library home page, choose Articles and Online Resources, in the left-hand column choose Global and Cultural Studies and then select Global Issues in Context.


General Research

  • I need help finding resources for my paper/presentation, where do I start?
    Start at the Library! Do as keyword search in our Big Blue Box on our main webpage, try a specific database at our A to Z Online Resources page, and find books at the LOCATE Catalog link.
  • You can schedule a time to talk with a Librarian for assistance as well. If you cannot find the resources you need, just ASK! A brief consultation with a Librarian can set you on the right track and save you time in the long run. You can set up an appointment time or just drop in the almost 24/7 chat.
  • How do I log on to the Library resources from home (off-campus)?
    A log-in is required to access certain databases (EBSCO, Opposing Viewpoints, Global Issues, etc.) from off-campus.  Access the database through the A to Z Online Resources page, after you select the specific database/resource and you will then be prompted to log in using your MyECC login and password.
  • How do I know a website is a good/reliable source?
    There is a wealth of information available on the Web but not all of it is reliable nor accurate. You should evaluate the authority, purpose, accuracy, currency, style, and functionality of the web resource.

    • Use the ECC library website and links to online resources available through the web and you can remove suspicion from many resources.


  • What is an Instructor’s Course Reserve and where is it?
    An Instructor’s Course Reserve is supplemental material your instructor has placed at the Service Desk in the Library.  Course reserves may be articles, books, DVDs, etc.  Many do not leave the library or have limited check-out times. Present your student ID at the Library Service Desk to check out a course reserve.

    • Some course reserves are available online and can be accessed using the LOCATE catalog. Choose Location of “ECC Services Desk” to view a variety of titles.


  • Do you have DVDs, Blu-rays, or CDs in the Library? Audio/visual library shelf
    Yes, the Library has over 2,200 feature film and documentary DVDs or Blu-rays and over 1,200 music CDs available for check out.  DVDs, Blu-rays, and CDs check out for 10 days, with a maximum of 4 audio/visual items at a time. You can search for DVDs using the Video Subject List and select Feature Films and you can search for CDs by Artist (author) or Title using the LOCATE catalog or search by Genre.
  • Do you have audiobooks?
    The Library’s collection of over 200 audiobooks on CD. Audiobooks check out for 4 weeks and Adult and Young Adult titles are shelved by LC call number behind the Service Desk.  Children’s audiobooks are shelved with their books by authors last name.
    The Library subscribes to Libby by Overdrive.  Using the Libby app for your device you can check out digital audiobooks and digital ebooks for up to 3 weeks.  A wide variety of titles are available.

Computers and printers

  • Does the Library have WiFi?
    Yes, the Library has WiFi available to current students, staff, or faculty with a MyECC account. Wireless printing in black and white or color is available on select printers in Library and the Learning Center.
  • Do you have a computer I can use?
    The Library has many computer options. There are 23 computers in our Quiet Zone near the back of the library and 4 near the Library Service Desk.  Computers are on a first come first serve basis.  There are two laptops available for 2 hour check out.  The majority of our laptops are for 8 week check out to currently enrolled students.
  • How do I print single-sided?
    The printer is defaulted to print duplex pages (back to back) If you need to print only on the front side you can change the settings on your computer prior to printing.
  • What is the cost to print?
    Black and white printing is 5 cents per side, or 10 cents printed on both sides.  Color printing is available in the Learning Center at 25 cents per side.  Each semester students are supplied with $10.00 in their print account to spend down.
  • Where can I buy more printing?
    The Buescher Hall Cashier can add funds to your print account in various increments from 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday–Thursday, and 8 a.m.–2 p.m. on Friday.  The Library Service Desk can add funds when the cashier is closed and can only accept cash.

Photocopier/ Scanner

  • A scanner is available in BH192 and can send to any e-mail address.  Scanning is free of charge. 
  • Student copying is available through the Bookstore in Shook Center for a charge.  There is also Quality Copy business located in downtown Union.

Renewing Materials

  • Renew your library materials
    You can renew many of your library materials online. Start at the LOCATE catalog, choose My Bookshelf, sign in with MyECC login and password. Choose “checkouts” and either select by check mark or choose “Renew all”.
    *some items can not be renewed, please see Library for assistance

Community Members 

  • Adult members of the college’s community district may obtain a Library Community Users Card.  You will need to complete an application and present a Missouri ID at the Library Service Desk.  A card is required to use a computer, purchase print credits and check out materials.

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