Assessment Showcase

4nd Annual Assessment Showcase

March 31, 2023 | 9 a.m.–12 p.m.
Sponsored by the Instructional Assessment Committee, Office of Academic Affairs, and Office of Institutional Effectiveness.
Files and videos for the 2023 presentations can be found in Falcon Nest in the Assessment Showcase AY 2022-2023 directory

Event Schedule

Time Title Presenter Location
9:00 a.m. Using Classroom Data to Evaluate a New Assignment
How do you decide what to add to a course when you only have 16 weeks with students? Come learn how I quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated whether a new assignment was meeting the intended objectives.
Clarissa Brown HS 126
9:25 a.m. Tracking Outcome Achievement in General Biology
Our department has some of our course outcomes entered in Canvas. This allows us to keep track of achievements as they happen, instead of just at the end of the semester. Next, we will compare their Outcome scores to course grades.
Beth Rozema HS 126
9:50 a.m. Welding Comprehensive Review Results, Action Plan, and Executions
Discussion will focus on the progress since completion of the Welding Comprehensive Review (Specific to a CTE program)
Bobby Bland HS 126
10:15 a.m. Anatomy and Physiology and Health Science Courses Comprehensive Review
This presentation summarizes the action plan and describes changes that have resulted from the comprehensive review process.
Elizabeth Flotte HS 126
10:40 a.m. Assessing Welding Students within a Lab Environment
Demonstration of the tools the Welding Department is using in a lab environment to assess student work throughout their lab experiences.
Bobby Bland HS 126
11:05 a.m. Recent Developments in Developmental Math
Navigating the numerous innovations in the array of assessment approaches whose features form the focus of data analysis in the Developmental Math discipline.
Reginald Brigham HS 126
Time Title Presenter Location
9:00 a.m. Efforts Equal Enrollment
Learn how assessing communication data can lead to increases in enrollment.
Stephanie Hebert HS 123
9:25 a.m. Designing an Assessment Plan
What factors go into assessment design? How and when do we determine if a change has had the desired outcome?
Michelle Smith HS 123
9:50 a.m. Navigating Comprehensive Review to the Annual Assessment Report and Plan
Using your CR Action Plan to Drive your Annual Assessments – AAT CR to AARP
Gregory Stotler and Matthew Gifford HS 123
10:15 a.m. Veteran and Military Students at East Central College
Learn about enrollment data, plans to increase enrollment, retention, and graduation, and best practices for Student Veterans and Active Military in the classroom.
Lorrie Glynn-Baird HS 123
10:40 a.m. Decreasing De-Registration
Student Development’s communication plan to inform students regarding financial aid and payment needs to avoid non-payment drops. A new potential communication plan and financial aid literacy program will also be discussed to help decrease de-registration even further in future semesters.
Amanda Baumruk HS 123
11:05 a.m. Using Interactive Digital Crossword Puzzles to Teach, Reinforce and Assess.
Get ideas for self-made, student-made and group activities that are easy, fast to create (and grade), and effective!
Anna Schwein HS 123
Time Title Host Location
9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Poster Sessions
Check in on the office of Campus Life one year after completion of its Comprehensive Review.
You’ll learn more about the goals and aspirations that have been achieved, ways student learning has been measured and the current forecasting for continued growth.
Carson Mowery HS Atrium
The ISLO Dashboard
How does our Dashboard help us navigate data.
Gregory Stotler, Dana Riegel, Beth Rozema HS Atrium
Writing your AARP-Plan!! Have questions? Jenn will give feedback and answers about your individual annual assessment plan.
Stop by and receive a prize if you’ve already uploaded your plan in Canvas.
Jennifer Higerd HS Atrium
Changing our Nursing Curriculum to Improve Retention Rates
What and how we teach makes a difference.
Jessica Van Leer & Connie Wissbaum HS Atrium
Dual Credit: Past, Present and Future Megen Strubberg HS Atrium
Three for Free
Why did we stop and what did we learn?
Megen Strubberg HS Atrium
Payroll Comprehensive Review Action Plan
See what short-term action steps will improve processes.
HS Atrium
Modern Think Deep Dive
The Student Development team examined the Modern Think survey results for our area. Learn how to conduct a deep dive of your own data for department, divisional and institutional improvement.
Sarah Leassner HS Atrium
Rolla Student Government and the Strategic Plan
Learn how students are making a difference in the Rolla Student Experience
Tracy Mowery HS Atrium
Title IV Attendance Reporting
What has changed in the past four semesters?
HS Atrium
ECC’s HLC Assessment Academy Journey
Celebrate all we have accomplished and see what the future holds.
HS Atrium
Student Journey Mapping
See examples of how a process is examined from the student perspective.
HS Atrium
Time Title Presenter Location
10:40 a.m. Analyzing the Usage of Faculty Development Funds /What Would YOU Like to See From Us?
Jessica Van Leer and Greg Stotler HS 127
11:00 a.m. EMT Licensing Cognitive Pass Rates and reading level/placement Scores.
Jenifer Goodson HS 127
11:20 a.m. Preparedness and Panic! A Q&A about the Communications Department Comprehensive Review completed November 2022.
Shanee Haynes HS 127
Presentations HS 126
Using Classroom Data to Evaluate a New Assignment
Clarissa Brown
9:00 a.m.
How do you decide what to add to a course when you only have 16 weeks with students? Come learn how I quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated whether a new assignment was meeting the intended objectives.
HS 126

Tracking Outcome Achievement in General Biology
Beth Rozema
9:25 a.m.
Our department has some of our course outcomes entered in Canvas. This allows us to keep track of achievements as they happen, instead of just at the end of the semester. Next, we will compare their Outcome scores to course grades.
HS 126

Welding Comprehensive Review Results, Action Plan, and Executions
Bobby Bland
9:50 a.m.
Discussion will focus on the progress since completion of the Welding Comprehensive Review (Specific to a CTE program)
HS 126

Anatomy and Physiology and Health Science Courses Comprehensive Review
Elizabeth Flotte
10:15 a.m.
This presentation summarizes the action plan and describes changes that have resulted from the comprehensive review process.
HS 126

Assessing Welding Students within a Lab Environment
Bobby Bland
10:40 a.m.
Demonstration of the tools the Welding Department is using in a lab environment to assess student work throughout their lab experiences.
HS 126

Recent Developments in Developmental Math
Reginald Brigham
11:05 a.m.
Navigating the numerous innovations in the array of assessment approaches whose features form the focus of data analysis in the Developmental Math discipline.
HS 126
Presentations HS 123
Efforts Equal Enrollment
Stephanie Hebert
9:00 a.m.
Learn how assessing communication data can lead to increases in enrollment.
HS 123

Designing an Assessment Plan
Michelle Smith
9:25 a.m.
What factors go into assessment design? How and when do we determine if a change has had the desired outcome?
HS 123

Navigating Comprehensive Review to the Annual Assessment Report and Plan
Gregory Stotler and Matthew Gifford
9:50 a.m.
Using your CR Action Plan to Drive your Annual Assessments – AAT CR to AARP
HS 123

Veteran and Military Students at East Central College
Lorrie Glynn-Baird
10:15 a.m.
Learn about enrollment data, plans to increase enrollment, retention, and graduation, and best practices for Student Veterans and Active Military in the classroom.
HS 123

Decreasing De-Registration
Amanda Baumruk
10:40 a.m.
Student Development’s communication plan to informs students regarding financial aid and payment needs to avoid non-payment drops. A new potential communication plan and financial aid literacy program will also be discussed to help decrease de-registration even further in future semesters.
HS 123

Using Interactive Digital Crossword Puzzles to Teach, Reinforce and Assess.
Anna Schwein
11:05 a.m.
Get ideas for self-made, student-made and group activities that are easy, fast to create (and grade), and effective!
HS 123
Poster Sessions
9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. HS Lobby
Check in on the office of Campus Life one year after completion of its Comprehensive Review.
Carson Mowery
You’ll learn more about the goals and aspirations that have been achieved, ways student learning has been measured and the current forecasting for continued growth.

The ISLO Dashboard
Gregory Stotler, Dana Riegel, Beth Rozema
How does our Dashboard help us navigate data.

Writing your AARP-Plan!!
Jennifer Higerd
Have questions? Jenn will give feedback and answers about your individual annual assessment plan. Stop by and receive a prize if you’ve already uploaded your plan in Canvas.

Changing our Nursing Curriculum to Improve Retention Rates
Jessica Van Leer & Connie Wissbaum
What and how we teach makes a difference.

Dual Credit: Past, Present and Future
Megen Strubberg

Three for Free
Megen Strubberg
Why did we stop and what did we learn?

Payroll Comprehensive Review Action Plan
See what short-term action steps will improve processes.

Modern Think Deep Dive
Sarah Leassner
The Student Development team examined the Modern Think survey results for our area. Learn how to conduct a deep dive of your own data for department, divisional and institutional improvement.

Rolla Student Government and the Strategic Plan
Tracy Mowery
Learn how students are making a difference in the Rolla Student Experience

Title IV Attendance Reporting
What has changed in the past four semesters?

ECC’s HLC Assessment Academy Journey
Celebrate all we have accomplished and see what the future holds.

Student Journey Mapping
See examples of how a process is examined from the student perspective.
Analyzing the Usage of Faculty Development Funds /What Would YOU Like to See From Us?
Jessica Van Leer and Greg Stotler
10:40 a.m.
HS 127

EMT Licensing Cognitive Pass Rates and reading level/placement Scores.
Jenifer Goodson
11:00 a.m.
HS 127

Preparedness and Panic!
Shanee Haynes
11:20 a.m.
HS 127