Faculty FAQs

How do I use the Testing Center Cover Sheet?

Exams will not be processed for administration without the current Testing Center Exam Cover Sheet and roster of students to be tested.

One Cover Sheet is to be used per course exam, as long as the start and end date is the same for all students. If one or more students require a date extension on an “open” exam, a new coversheet with an updated end date must be submitted. You may extend the end date on any “closed” exam for any students still needing to test by contacting the testing center with your updated end date; a new coversheet is not needed.

*If you have a student(s) with accommodations for extended testing time, you may indicate this information on the student roster or in the special instructions section. Separate coversheets are not needed!

Please be sure to fill out each section on the cover sheet. *If a selection has not been made for scratch paper, we will default to “none.”

How do I submit exams to the Testing Center?

The Union Testing Center allows two exams, per course, each semester. The Testing Center also administers make-up exams and exams for ACCESS students, if necessary.

Faculty may submit their completed Testing Center Exam Cover Sheet , roster, and any exam materials in person or by email to the appropriate testing center(s). Click HERE for instructions on printing a roster from Self-Service.

Union: uniontc@eastcentral.edu; Level 1 of Buescher Hall (next to the Library)

Rolla: rollatc@eastcentral.edu

Please Note: If your students are able to test at the Union and the Rolla location, it is your responsibility to send your coversheet, roster, and any exam materials to each location.

How do I pick up exams from the Testing Center?

Paper exams, scantrons, and scratch paper must be picked up in person. If you are unable to come to the Testing Center yourself, you must make arrangements to send a designated person (program clerk, colleague, etc.) to pick up your materials.

If exams are picked up before the end date noted on the cover sheet, faculty will be required to initial on the roster for each exam collected. This allows us to maintain secure records.

*See “What is your Scanning Policy?” for information on scanning services

What is your Scanning Policy?

We do not scan full class exams.

We will scan scratch paper by request. Scratch paper will be scanned within 24 hours of the exam’s end date.

All exams and scratch paper will be scanned within 24 hours of exam end date.

What if I forget to mark an allowed resource on the coversheet?

The Testing Center staff only allow the materials faculty have approved on the ECC Exam Cover Sheet, no exceptions. Please be sure to communicate all allowed resources on the cover sheet.

If a student questions a resource, we will do our best to contact you with the information provided on the exam coversheet.

Will you make copies of my exams?

The Testing Center will make copies of paper exams if a department copy code is provided on the ECC Exam Cover Sheet.

Can I send my whole class to the Testing Center?

Due to variety of external exams administered on a daily basis, the Testing Center is only able to administer ECC exams on an individual basis. If you are using the services of the Testing Center for a full-class test, a range of testing availability (a start and end date) is required for students to complete testing.

Please use the following as a guide when selecting your start and end date:

5 or less1
10 or more4-5

Do you allow make-up exams?

If a student(s) misses an in-class exam, you may have that exam proctored in the Testing Center. Please provide an ECC Exam Cover Sheet, exam materials, and the student(s) testing.

Will you proctor an exam in my classroom?

If extenuating circumstances require you to miss your in-class exam, please contact the Testing Center as soon as possible to arrange an in-class proctor.

Do you offer remote testing?

The Union Testing Center does not offer remote testing services. The college has purchased an online proctoring service that is available through Canvas. Please contact Chad Baldwin at robert.baldwin@eastcentral.edu or 636-584-6609 for more information.

Do students need appointments?

Appointments for ECC course exams are not required at the Union campus; however, if a student has approved accommodations, appointments are required for individual testing rooms.

Do you offer testing for ACCESS students?

Students with ACCESS services are permitted to test in the Testing Center. Please note extended time and other accommodations on the ECC Exam Cover Sheet.

If approved, appointments are required to test in the individual testing rooms.

Students requiring scribe or reader services should contact the ACCESS services department.

Do you sell Scantrons and blue books?

The Testing Center sells Scantrons and blue books.

Scantrons are $0.20

Blue books are $0.50